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Department of Finance Prof. Dr. Carmen Tanner

Prof. Dr. Carmen Tanner


"Conducting research and developing strategies to help business & finance putting ethical values into practice. This is my mission and vision."

Curriculum Vitae (PDF, 475 KB)
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Carmen Tanner is professor of responsibility in finance at the Department of Finance at the University of Zurich, where she was also the director of the center for responsibility in finance (until 2023). She is also professor of economic psychology and behavioral ethics at the Zeppelin University (Germany), and vice-director of the Leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin. Prior to this, she held a professorship from the Swiss National Science Foundation at the Department of Psychology at the University of Zurich, and was working and teaching at several other universities (Bern, Fribourg, Northwestern University in USA, Max Planck Institute Jena). Among other things, she is currently also member of the Digital Society Initiative at the University of Zurich, and member of the scientific committee of DICO (Deutsches Institut für Compliance).

Research Interests

Behavioral Ethics, Compliance- & Integrity Management, Personal Integrity, Corporate Ethical Culture, Ethical Leadership, Digital Learning Tools
